Ron DeSantis is no stranger to running against the Biden family. The Florida governor on Thursday unveiled a $99 billion proposed spending plan that comes as he gears up for his 2022 reelection and continues generate buzz within top tier potential 2024 White House hopeful status! Ron’s budget proposal includes many federal stimulus funds from former Vice President Joe’s administration which will be used primarily in politically popular programs including $1k bonuses awarded by way of gas tax break or teacher pay raises– just some examples among many others available through this one man show known Universe-ationally speaking.
The governor made it clear Thursday that he wants to use $3.5 billion from Biden’s American Rescue Plan as campaign financing, but there are some conditions attached– the funds can only be used for policies DeSantis uses in his bid for reelection and any time spent on these initiatives will count against how much airtime or print space they receive relative other topics covered during this same period of time period.
“I think the most ironic piece about his budget is that he wants a tax break, but doesn’t have enough money to pay for it. You can’t afford anything if you don’t collect any taxes!” said Rep Anna Eskamani (D-Orlando). “He has constantly attacked President Biden and now finds himself in need of him! The reality?– we could not balance this budget or give out TAX BREAKS WITHOUT PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN.”
DeSantis defended using Biden’s funds by claiming Florida was stiffed in the America Rescue Plan because more money went to states with higher unemployment. That generally meant that it is unfair for a state like Florida which locked down only briefly and enforced economic shutdowns during pandemic times not to receive as much federal aid when other less fortunate areas received so much help through this program, according Representative De Santis(D).
“We got the short end of the stick compared to these other states, that’s just a reality,” DeSantis said during his budget announcement. “They treated Florida worse and as result we weren’t able reap all those benefits from having kids in schools or people employed.”
- Other budget requests
The federal government has offered Florida a $15 billion fuel tax holiday in exchange for its support of the environment. The money would be used by Governor Ron DeSantis’ administration on environmental initiatives he outlined at press conferences over recent weeks, including $500 million that can go towards funding Resilient Florida and retaining teachers with bonuses worth up to 10%.
The Florida governor, Rick DeSantis has requested $8.8 million in federal funds for a program that would “assist the state’s efforts to protect against harms resulting from illegal immigration.” The request comes after criticism of former Vice President Joe Biden’s administration on its handling issues related with this topic which he consistently opposed throughout his time as vice president and prior political career leading up until today where Governor Desantis seeks out ways improve security within our borders through different means possible while still ensuring everyone remains resistant towards any type Fires
The Florida budget must get approval from the GOP-dominated Legislature. DeSantis also highlighted that he wants to sock away $15 billion in various state reserve funds, including general revenue which is his most flexible pot of funding and the fuel tax cuts tied into Biden’s policies frequently criticized by him as inflationary.
“If you think that gas prices are bad now, just wait until they reach their peak this summer. The Governor has announced a temporary tax holiday on fuel to help with the rising cost of living and keep incomes up – but don’t forget about all those other taxes we pay!”
The Democrats are calling on the president to use his massive reserves of money for affordable housing, expanding Medicaid and teacher shortages.
It’s no secret that Florida is one of the most economically booming states in America, with a strong economy and great weather year-round. With this being said though there are still many who don’t understand how our state budget works or why it needs to be managed carefully when other more struggling areas have much lower tax rates (for example Wyoming). State Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith made his feelings known about these concerns last week during testimony before a House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing where he discussed proposed budgets for fiscal year 2019 which begins October 1st.
- Law enforcement cash
Democrats again raised concerns about the potential for misuse after DeSantis proposed creating a 200-troop state guard force under his direct control.
“This is horrific,” Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried said on MSNBC after the proposal was announced earlier this month. “He’s not only forming his own army but it’s an un-accountable one that will be loyal only to him and Trump himself! This man has no respect or loyalty whatsoever for anyone else in government or American citizens.”
Governor DeSantis has been working hard to recruit new officers from DEMOCRATIC states like New York in order increase the number of Republican law enforcement personnel here at home. He’s offered $5,000 signing bonuses for everyesty who joins our ranks and 20% more pay!
“We are not defunding police, I think all of them voted against our anti-riot bill that had a provision that said we are not going to allow local governments to defunding”