The collapse of the new silo in the port of Beirut brings back the trauma of the explosion
The collapse of the new silo in the port of Beirut brings back the trauma of the explosion
Clouds of dust rise above the port after the destruction, which brought down the last block of northern silos. The northern part of the grain silos was damaged two years ago by a deadly explosion in the port of Beirut and collapsed after warnings that the structure was too tilted to stand.
A cloud of dust rose above the port on Tuesday at the start of the collapse, which took away eight other silos that were most badly damaged by the blast and where a fire has been burning since July.
The remaining southern block is more stable and not in imminent danger of collapse, said French civil engineer Emmanuel Durand, who installed sensors on the silos. The 48-meter-tall, 50-year-old silos absorbed much of the impact when tonnes of improperly stored ammonium nitrate fertilizer exploded in a massive August 4, 2020 explosion Silos effectively protected West Beirut from the explosion, which killed more than 200 people.
Part of the silos collapsed on July 31 and another section fell on August 4, the second anniversary of the explosion. A fire has been burning in silos for more than a month as remaining grain stocks ferment in the summer heat.
On Sunday, the Department of Health said samples from across the port showed the air contained large amounts of common mold, which would not be dangerous if not inhaled in large quantities over a long period of time.
In April, the government orders the demolition of the silos but the operation is suspended. They also argue that the silos could contain material useful to the forensic investigation into the explosion.
A fire has been burning in silos for more than a month as hold-out grain stocks ferment in the summer heat. On Sunday, the Department of Health said samples from across the port showed the air contained large amounts of common mold, which would not be dangerous if not inhaled in large quantities over a long period of time. . In April, the government orders the demolition of the silos but the operation is suspended. They also argue that the silos could contain material useful to the forensic investigation into the explosion.
Blast survivors and residents near the port said watching the blaze from their homes and offices was like reliving the trauma of the blast. Public Works Minister Ali Hamieh announced last week that the government had agreed to shelve 25,000 square meters (270,000 square feet) of the port for the construction of new grain silos.
This is larger than the present complex, which occupies a space of 21,000 square meters (226,000 square feet).
Hamieh said the funding would come from international donors as well as the government.
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